Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What's it like part two!

      So here things are a lot more laid back and "loosey - goosey" if you will. At school there is no dress code. None I tell you, and it shows. Girls where those really short and tight belly shirts, really short shorts, and I mean short, but hey, its not strange, its just different. The people here dress very fashion forward. With those loose pants that Mari loves to wear and bandeau's under see through tops. Basically the same thing you would see in America, but people are more fearless with the way they dress here.

      My school starts at 8:10 and ends at 2:50 here. When at school I have six classes a day and a break between every two. Since 2:50 is about lunch time here, we eat when we get home. However, it is very, very common to bring a snack (most commonly a sandwich made of nice fresh bread, salami type meet, and olive oil) and eat during one of the breaks.

      School has been no walk in the park let me tell you. I have made a few friends that help me out with the language barrier, but it is hard to balance out quick explanations and them only wanting to speak English with me. I am also the first exchange student to go to my school, so I don't think the teachers know exactly what to do with me yet. For example, today in class a teacher made me read in Catalan. Ya, a language I had never ever heard before coming here. But that was something easy enough to laugh off, and I don't think he will be calling on me again anytime soon.

      School is also definitely the place where the homesickness comes in. I miss having my friends around me and talking about things that are fun rather than solely for my school survival. However, I keep reminding myself not to take school this year too seriously because my grades don't carry over and as long as I am passing, I am good to go. I also hope my teachers don't make me take the same exams as the rest of the students right away because I hear that's what past Spain exchange students did and it made their transition easier.

     Today also marks a record. A record of the longest time I have ever spent away from my family. I know you may be thinking that 15 days isn't a very big deal considering I am going to be here for another 283 (roughly) more, but I have to take this experience step by step, and some how having a count down / track record of my days here and away from home helps. 

    I know it will get better and I by no means want to make it sound like I am miserable here because I am not! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my host family and soccer has been awesome! Especially because the sports communities here are complete and utter family, and they welcome new comers in like they are long lost siblings. My family also has an awesome trip to Madrid planned for this weekend, and I get to see my fellow AFSer friends in Barcelona in 9 days, yes another count down, and see how they are doing. Let me tell you it will be nothing but comforting to here other peoples mishaps and ways to coop with homesickness and know I am not going through this alone. 

      It will get better, it will! I just have to be patient and optomistic and live everyday to the fullest because before I know it, it may be over and I do NOT want to regret a single moment of it! 

     Love you all! Miss you lots! Keep in touch! BYE!

P.S. I must mention how ridiculous the dogs here are! They are everywhere, and they bark nonstop during the night! But I am totally embracing it with open arms! It's not strange, it's just different!

P.P.S. Today also marks the one month anniversary of starting this blog so that's also something!


  1. Hey Em,
    It sounds like you have absolutely THE RIGHT ATTITUDE!!!! No, I didn't hit caps lock by mistake, I mean it!! It is all part of the experience and you are approaching it perfectly...getting out there and joining the soccer family, enjoying your host family, making friends in school (even if right now it is just for survival sake)and even embracing the very loud dogs (well, don't REALLY embrace them if they are wild), are all steps to ensuring a fantastic experience. As you know, all of your hard work will get easier and easier each day. Let the school know that you don't want to speak a lot of English, but that a slower speaking pace is really helpful. I am so glad that you LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your host family!! I knew you would! Has Roman played any practical jokes on you on the lookout! The trip to Madrid sounds great! Take it ALL in, and keep posting in this blog! I know we are on such different schedules now that we both are back to school, but just know that we love seeing your news (facebook posts & blog) when we get home:) I know a number of people are folloing it, but it is a bit tricky to figure out how to comment so don't get discouraged by the limited number of comments that you receive...we LOVE it!!! And we love you!!! Stay strong! Keep taking advantage of new opportunities, and embrace the differences!!! Lots and Lots of love,

  2. Hi Emily,
    Your outlook on life there sounds good despite the obstacles! I'm enjoying your blog posts and photos and hearing about the food, clothes and life style there!
