Monday, November 25, 2013

El Teatro

This past Saturday evening was the second and last night of the musical Dracula here in Spain. I had an absolute blast dancing along side a bunch of extremely skilled dancers and actors and I am going to do my best to take you back with me and relive it!

I started dancing at the Escuela Preforming Arts here in Castelldefels at about the start of October I think, and I instantly felt a part of something great. Lucky for me we actually started learning a brand new dance the day I began, and from the very start of the dance I could tell that it was going to be very different than anything I had ever done before. 

First of all, these guys learn fast I mean we learn a full dance in one night! And this is no normal Hip-Hop class, this is Street Dance. I mean, obviously by the name of the class I knew this before I began, but I didn't expect it to be so different! The closest thing I can relate it to is the dancing in the flash mobs of Step Up 4 Revolution. It is fantastic, and incredibly challenging! 

Anyway, a week or two later I learned that this dance routine would be in a full on theatrical show. Not only that, but I would also be added into dances that these guys had already been practicing for weeks (super intimidating) as well as learning others with the full crew, and perfecting these dances within 4-5 weeks time for opening night. I mean we were literally learning some of these dances two weeks before the show! It was madness of the very best kind! 

And of course what is a show without tech week? Oh did we have tech week! Literally getting to the theatre at 6 on some days, 8 on others and 9 on others, and always leaving at 12. Yes that is 12 on school nights for a week and a half straight, doing the exact same show over and over again, and yet it never got boring! There was always something new and exciting or unexpected thrown into the mix each night. Dracula was undoubtedly a success, even if we didn't fill every single seat in the theatre, I believe that doing a show is only 40% for the audience and 60% for the performers! 

Here are some pictures to take you through it all!

The Theatre 
The Transformation Pt. 1
The Transformation Pt. 2
The Transformation Pt. 3
The Crew Pt. 1

The Crew Pt. 2
Now we are back to learning new dances for fun and man is it hard! However it is so exciting as well, and these guys just make it 10x more enjoyable! I am so proud to be a part of this crew! 

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