Buenooooooo, pues (alright so)
This was my first "normal" week in a long time. Well then again I don't know how normal you can consider a life abroad, but anyway. I didn't have an activity to do absolutely everyday after school, which I miss, and I had a lot of plain old free time.
Monday was just a normal school day. I got back into the flow of things and braced myself for a long, routine week.
Tuesday was another normal day to and from school, nothing special. I may have made brownies after school that day, I am not too sure but they were from a box so I mean... nada especial.
Wednesday hmmmm pretty sure just another low key family day after school. Wednesday I found out that this huge project that everyone else in my class has to do is started this year and completed next year, when I won't be here, therefore I am excluded and can leave school at 1:50 on Wednesdays while all my poor classmates have to work their butts off on some extreme project.
That same day I was able to skype my family because they had a snow day which just made it so much easier time zone wise and that was fantastic! I love talking with my family and I am so glad I have chosen to keep in close touch with my them throughout this experience, talking a bit more than the program recommends. It has brought us so much closer and I love sharing little everyday details with them that may otherwise never be shared!
Thursday came and I was dying to go to dance! Especially because my class had a bit of a surprise planned! You see the previous Saturday was my dance teachers birthday and we wanted to do something special for her sooo we bought her tickets to the equivalent of a Broadway show. But that's not all. My classmates and I went to the theatre a little early for some preparations. We hung streamers, blew up balloons, and just made the room party presentable. There was even a cake!
This was all a surprise and it was so exciting having to be cautious and continually checking the door to make sure she wasn't coming early or anything like that. As we sat in the dark I realized this would be my first successful surprise party!
Of course we had a few close calls and a few false alarms because of late comers, but finally we were all together sitting in a dark room waiting with confetti guns in hand waiting for our teacher to walk through the door. Finally we saw the hall light, leading to the room, turn on and we were sure, well as sure as we could possibly be, that it was her.
She literally opened the door, didn't turn on the light for awhile, and just stood there. There were streamers hanging right in front of her face so I can only assumed what that seemed like in the dark, but when she finally turned on the light, the guns were popped, we sang happy birthday, all hugged each other and all jumped up and down in a huddle, as we have a habit of doing.
I love this dance class! We are honestly more of a family than just classmates and teacher. I know it sounds cliche, but it's true.
After a bit more celebrating we went on with the class and realized we had two new students! It was a bit strange having someone new, I wasn't the new kid anymore. I then began to think about it, and we have recently gotten a few new kids in school as well. I'm no longer the new kid there either! Its strange to think about, time passing and people coming and going, but these new changes just made me that much more aware of it! Time goes on, who knew!
After class we went outside as a group and had the birthday cake that someone had made together and just hung out for awhile enjoying each others company.
Friday came and with it came another normal school day. However, after school my host sister Ana and I went to the public library with the rest of the people from dance class and theatre to put on a small show for the parents and the public. Each class just did a small dance number or sang a song, and it was kind of just like a small talent show.
All the students from my class received official certificates for the sports ceremony the Friday before. It was pretty cool to receive an official certificate, certifying you did something... cool from Spain. It's just cool to have I guess! Afterwards Ana and I walked home together, just talking about school and our days and what not.
All of Friday night, Saturday and Sunday were low key family days spent at home, which may sound lame to some, but they were just what I needed. We spent some time watching the Olympics together and playing card games and just enjoying time off from activities!
My first week of "normal" school actually ended up flying by pretty quickly, and its not going to start to slow down now! Wednesday I am going to a on of my AFS friends towns a few train stops away and we are going to buy some cheap, knockoff pennyboards that we are really excited for! I have always wanted a pennyboard, but at home we don't exactly have the best roads / sidewalks for it so I can't wait to take advantage of the usable sidewalks here! Then Friday afternoon is the start of a three day AFS orientation weekend which should be nice as well.
So as everyone said it would, the time is really starting to pick up and I am trying my best to make the most of it. For me that doesn't necessarily mean going out and being busy 24 hours a day, but just enjoying every moment I have here. I hope you are all enjoying your school / work year this year, cause before we know it, it will be over and we will just be onto the next one! Have a nice week! Can't wait to tell you all about it next time!
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